Article: The Best Corvettes of the 1970s: No.1 – The 1971 Corvette
January 5, 2020
By Alex Sommers in CORVETTEBlogger.comCorvetteBlogger has spent the last three weeks getting ready for 2020 by ranking the greatest Corvettes from each decade since the 1950s. This week we looked at the 70s which only contained one generation of Corvette but still saw large scale changes in our favorite car’s personality and focus. Today we are handing the championship belt for ‘Vette decade #3 to the 1971 model!
Some readers may dispute this choice because the ’71 was largely treated by GM brass as an extended run of 1970 Corvettes and up to that point, almost every model year had seen far more extensive improvements. They might also bemoan the lower compression ratios across the board and the base car’s 270 HP. All fair points to be sure, but two special RPOs really make the ’71 stand out and take the victory.
Read More: Click Here to read what they options were on the 1971 Corvette that prompted CorvetteBlogger to choose it as #1.