Why the GMC Corvette Set Supports
Leader Dogs for the Blind
Leader Dogs are innovative. They pilot and implement many programs to improve both their operations and their services. They have recently added a program to have prisoners raise puppies and provide Trekker Breeze+ GPS devices to their clients to improve their mobility.
The Canine Development Center is a new 'State of Art' facility opened September 2016.
A large number of volunteers support the programs from breeding stock hosts, puppy raisers to on campus volunteers.
There is no charge for any of the Leader Dogs programs and services, including the guide dog, equipment, training, transportation to and from our school, and room and board for up to 25 days.
Leader Dogs have matched 20,000 individuals with guide dogs as of December 2021.
Leader Dogs funding comes from Leader Dog initiated fund raisers, individual gifts, endowment interest and service organizations, such as Lions Clubs. Leader Dog relies on the generosity and dedication of their donors. Leader Dogs do not receive any state, federal or United Way funding.
Leader Dogs for the Blind are a member of the International Guide Dog Federation (IDGF). The IDGF reassess their Member Organizations on a 5 year basis before they approve the ongoing accreditation of the member.
The GMC Corvette Set has supported Leader Dogs for the Blind since 1982.
Leader Dogs for the Blind is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower people who are blind or visually impaired with lifelong skills for independent travel.
Please be sure to visit the Leader Dogs for the Blind web site and blog to learn more about this outstanding organization.