Toys For Tots
GMC Corvette Set has supported Toys for Tots for many years. Beginning in October of each year, members are asked to bring new, unwrapped toys to our membership meetings and the annual holiday party. During the first week in December, the toys are delivered to a Toys for Tots county program center. Toys for Tots Coordinators, with the assistance of local social welfare agencies, church groups, and other local community agencies, distribute the toys to the less fortunate children of the county. Over the years, Marines have established close working relationships with social welfare agencies, churches and other local community agencies which are well-qualified to identify the needy children in the community and play important roles in the toy distribution.

In 2019, GMC Corvette Set wanted to support a neighboring county Toys for Tots program who could benefit the most from the club's donations. It was determined that the St. Clair County Toys for Tots program headquartered in Port Huron could use the additional support since they received less than other counties in donations from the surrounding communities. In that year the club was able to donate gifts valued at $1600 to the St. Clair program and in 2020, despite COVID and a lack of face-to-face communications, $4,000 in toys and monetary donations were given to Toys for Tots.
Once more, 2023 demonstrated the generosity of our club members. On December 7th, several club members delivered $4700 worth of gifts and donations to the St. Clair County Toys for Tots Center. At a time when the number of families asking for assistance has grown greatly, we were happy to be able to make Christmas a bit merrier for the kids.